2012年3月10日 星期六

eBay 買東西問題解法: To ensure that eBay remains a safe marketplace, we limit the quantity of items that can be bought or sold by a single account at one time.

eBay 買東西問題解法: To ensure that eBay remains a safe marketplace, we limit the quantity of items that can be bought or sold by a single account at one time.

在 eBay 上面買東西要申請一個 eBay 帳號,也需要開一個 paypal 帳號,這兩個都是申請就有了。paypal 要填信用卡號。
然後在 eBay 帳號設定裡面,設定好跟妳的 paypal 帳號連結,每次購買它會進妳的 paypal 帳號要求再確認一次。

剛申請完的 eBay 帳號可能會遇到這個問題:
"To ensure that eBay remains a safe marketplace, we limit the quantity of items that can be bought or sold by a single account at one time."
點"Place a credit card on file"
再把信用卡號碼填給 eBay 刷一塊美金認證一下,
就可以自由的在 eBay 買東西了。

當然是要買賣家願意 shipping 到台灣的東西啦。
