
目前顯示的是有「Gema Caballero」標籤的文章

Ana Morales, Rafaela Carrasco, 還有 Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía (安達魯西亞佛拉明歌舞團) 的 Tierra Lorca(詩人羅卡的世界)

第二支舞是 Ana Morales, 這真是我看過跳得最好看的....嗯大概是 Petenera 之類的東西。 我再一次覺得,曲式知道了之後就不那麼需要一再強調, 好的不是 Petenera, 而是 Ana 那樣恰如其份的在歌跟吉他中舒展她的雙手雙臂。 她開頭跟結尾像是發條娃娃一樣慢速轉圈出來,讓長尾裙包裹在她的身體曲線上。 這首我從頭到尾都沒空想到 Petenera 歌曲帶著的 死亡 新生 意義,只能一直欣賞她的動作, 一邊想著:「其他人都可以退下了,這場變成 Ana 獨舞也很好。」 先說個結論,這場表演給我的驚喜是: 1. Ana Morales 真的跳得好美!  之前我看過這段採排: Ana Morales & Antonio Rey - Guajira (coreografía: Rafael Estévez y Valeriano Paños)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaZpxtK46gg  雖然覺得很厲害,但沒有到目不轉睛的地步。  我也很喜歡 Selene Muñoz 跟 Leonor Leal, 但總擔心是因為她們長得就漂亮。我可以很確定我對 Ana Morales 舞蹈的喜愛跟對 Rocio Molina 一樣,不僅止於 Skin Deep。  她們在台下都只是路人甲,看到也不會特別想拉來合照,一上了舞台就閃閃發光。  她下個月在台北的課程,大家可以問問她跟 Rafael Carrasco 、大舞團合作的感想,當作聊天題材。 :D 2. 破除我的大舞團魔咒。  我因為之前看了 BNE 來台表演,有點討厭大舞團表演。現在發現原來只是 BNE 不對我的胃口啊。 3. 現場表演真的跟看 DVD 不一樣。  因為是我不愛的大舞團,我曾經考慮放掉這場表演,省點錢。  還好沒有。  台灣看到這篇的各位,也不要放棄這週末 Manuel Liñan 的 Bailan Dos (我猜想這部像是:雙面怪醫跳雙人舞):   https://www.facebook.com/manuellinanbailaor/posts/902698703207191 ...

Epoca del Cometa Pepe Marchena Gema Caballero

https://aracelitzigane.wordpress.com/2016/02/27/pepe-marchena-la-epoca-del-cometa/ In the year 1957 God, omnipotent, put In the year 1957 God, omnipotent, put a bloody comet a bloody comet at dawn at west with the color alight. The hearts take fright and at the same time they point and it hides itself in Africa. Tell me who has protected you, tell me who has protected you, tell me who has been your squire, as you have had such a big luck as you have had such a big luck in a foreing country. With the step of modesty, with the step of modesty, my gut, you are remaining. In a certain meeting there was a meal one day and over there a melon was opened, the unique fruit that was there. I have opened a watermelon and I offered it to a married woman. Ay, she has told me, disconsolate: “thank you very much, gentleman, I am on mourning and I can´t, I am on mourning and I can´t, On mourning I am and I can`t eat red fruit”. —– Allá en el 57 puso Dios omnipote...