沖繩民謠 恋ぬ花 發音跟翻譯
恋ぬ花 (kui nu hana) 1. 庭や雪降ゆい 梅や花咲ちゅい 無蔵が懐や 真南風どぅ吹ちゅる。 發音: niwa ya yuchi huyui, 'Nmi ya hanasachuru Nzo ga huchukuru ya, mahwee du huchuru (bis) translation: Snow on the yard, plum flowers. Empty the wallet, breeze warms. 2. 何がし我が庭や 花や咲かなそてぃ 毎夜鶯ぬ 通てぃ鳴ちゅら 發音: nugashi waganiwa ya, 'Nmi ya sakanasoti meyuru 'uguishi nu, kayuti nachuga (bis) translation: My garden, plums and blooming. Nightwing crying overnight at night. 3. (not in Takashi Hirayasu's version) 波の上に行ちゅみ薬師堂に行ちゅみ なりし薬師堂の裏やましやあらに naNmiN ni 'ichumi yakushidoo ni 'ichumi narish yakushidoo nu 'uraya mashiya'arani ref. 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuPkg1iFxkM 2. http://taru.ti-da.net/e681423.html 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca-wg7lcwgg " Okinawan song "Kui nu hana". Snowing in the garden. Blooming flowers on a plum tree. Missing you. " 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDEatOmjqrQ