Which Flamenco Guitar Instructional DVD should I buy?
http://www.falseta.com/articles/which-flamenco-guitar-instructional-dvd-should-i-buy/ Written By: Cesar Serna VICENTE AMIGO Esencia Japan CD OBI 0103 VICENTE AMIGO - CITY OF IDEAS (CUIDAD DE LAS I - CD NEW VICENTE FERNANDEZ - MI AMIGO EL TORDILLO - CD NEW There are now quite a few Flamenco instructional courses out on the market. Ranging in prices from $20 to $100+ but which one is the right one for you? Do you have to buy 1 DVD or take the plunge by purchasing a 10 disc set? Well we hope to demystify the whole process a little bit in this article. First lets break up guitarist into three basic groups: Beginner – The beginner guitar player is as green to Flamenco as it gets but they have a lot of drive to learn all the great Bulerias and Tangos they have just listened to on there first Paco de Lucia or Vicente Amigo CD. The beginner guitar player may already have chops and plenty of playing experience in other genres but is new to flamenco guitar playing. The ...