
目前顯示的是 12月, 2008的文章

Which Flamenco Guitar Instructional DVD should I buy?

http://www.falseta.com/articles/which-flamenco-guitar-instructional-dvd-should-i-buy/ Written By: Cesar Serna   VICENTE AMIGO Esencia Japan CD OBI 0103 VICENTE AMIGO - CITY OF IDEAS (CUIDAD DE LAS I - CD NEW VICENTE FERNANDEZ - MI AMIGO EL TORDILLO - CD NEW There are now quite a few Flamenco instructional courses out on the market. Ranging in prices from $20 to $100+ but which one is the right one for you? Do you have to buy 1 DVD or take the plunge by purchasing a 10 disc set? Well we hope to demystify the whole process a little bit in this article. First lets break up guitarist into three basic groups: Beginner – The beginner guitar player is as green to Flamenco as it gets but they have a lot of drive to learn all the great Bulerias and Tangos they have just listened to on there first Paco de Lucia or Vicente Amigo CD. The beginner guitar player may already have chops and plenty of playing experience in other genres but is new to flamenco guitar playing. The ...

Básico Dance letra 幾段歌詞英文翻譯


llamada,escobilla,remate Simplest dances

http://www.esflamenco.com/scripts/news/ennews.asp?frmIdPagina=248 Simplest dances The sevillanas are usually the first dance that is taught. The main reason for this is that it is the only palo (form) that has a set choreography, even though some steps may be different depending on what school you go to. It is one of the dance forms that is most complete; it includes zapateado, rotations, marcajes (emphatic, slow majestic movements that mark the lyrics, predominantly using the arms), cierres (signals that indicate the end of a part of the dance and the start of another)… and, furthermore, it is also the best dance for learning to coordinate the arms and feet. Sevillanas also represent a good way to get used to following the music because they have a simple and well marked meter that is easy to follow and to learn, because the coplas (poetic compositions, in verse, used as lyrics) and choruses are repeated several times. Another advantage is that it is a dance for couples, which m...


「Valisere 時尚秀 Part 3」 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=0y_rvXHPdQo 「Antonio Gades: Flamenco / Carmen」 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=oLbRtUAmx3g http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mifuego-jess/article?mid=96&prev=131&next=33&l=f&fid=11 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=8_sWifNf_1s 我真是個沒什麼大志向的人啊。 又,原來不只我這樣子… 「很難想像在舞台上將佛拉明哥演繹得如此淋漓盡致的林志遠,居然不是舞蹈科班出身,接觸舞蹈只是因為在大學時期想牽女生的手;」 http://www.ecf.com.tw/Search_detail.php?om_id=178

巧遇男舞者 Mimbre 老師

這週末搭捷運時,在某站進來了一男一女,都拖了行李箱。 我用眼角餘光偷瞄到那女性,發現她畫著好看的濃妝。 眼睛上戴了長又濃密又整齊的假睫毛,給我一種「就算下雨也不會滴到眼睛裡面」的安全感覺。 我心中偷笑:「嘻嘻,這麼精心打扮,是要上台演 flamenco 喔?」 那男性一上車手機就響了,好不容易講完之後,男性跟女性說到了「……就是那一班學生……對,她們接到一場表演……人家還是希望舞者…」 我心中一驚,抬頭看那人是誰,果然是跳 flamenco 的。 他是 Mimbre,我看過他很厲害的現場表演,也看過他的 blog。 於是就開始了我內容不怎麼精彩的搭訕。 她們兩人對於學習 Farruca 的評論是「最好連續學了兩年之後,再學比較好」。 對於腳步跟不上速度,看法也是「那也只有跟著音樂不斷練習速度了」。 這短短的交談對於我的舞蹈素養當然不會有什麼幫助,但是倒讓我想到之前一直很想有機會玩的一個(愚蠢的)小遊戲。 話說剛開始學 flamenco 的時候(比現在還更剛開始一點),整天都在練習轉腕。 上課時候練,下課也練,等車的時候練,上車了之後還是練。 轉著轉著我就在想,那些看到我在轉腕的乘客,心裡面的想法會是什麼呢? 可能是: 1.整天打字得了腕道症候群的人,搭車的時候還要做復健,真可憐啊。 2.精神分裂的人真可憐啊。 3.是同好…?(真可憐啊。) 我多麼希望答案是 3. ,對方會走過來也做一個轉腕作為打招呼,就開始互相報上師承何處學藝資歷。然後就開始互相拍馬屁: 「您轉腕時,繞指柔如天邊雲彩 blah blah…」 「哪裡哪裡您的轉腕才如百煉鋼入木三分刮啦刮啦…」 然後就可以浴乎沂,風乎舞雩,一起去喝個一瓶 sangria 或 jerez…