Joaquín Grilo, Leyenda Personal Review excerpt 評論節錄

A show in which he opens the book of his life, but not one of facts, rather one of sensations and feelings. Childhood, father, mothers, children, manipulation, rebelliousness, independence… and inside of everything and above everything, baile and music… or baile as music.

「He dances rebelling against the suit you have to fit into, against the strings that want to move you around. But he also dances enjoying being accompanied by music, by good music from good musicians.」

「sometimes you don’t know if he’s laughing or crying, if he’s free or prisoner, if he sees himself above or below, if he wants to provoke or he wants applause... which he had and it was huge. And the truth is that all of that is called art.」

Maria PAges, Antonio el Pipa , Rosario Toledo 很多人都做過這樣的類自傳作品。

但不要認為 J Grilo 的「個人傳說」是有關於他從 TV 選秀節目出道,他在 Cordoba 比賽或類似的事蹟…
事實上就如同 Grilo 總是如此的(感謝他),作品裡面充滿了符號。一張搖椅、超大的像簿、心跳生、透明的布幕、舞者家族老照片的投影、吊在天上的四個假人、綁在舞者身上讓他成為傀儡的繩子……似乎注定吸引了那些不喜歡「沒有故事情結直接唱歌跳舞」的觀眾。


其實 Leyenda Personal 在 2008 就演過了………Dorantes 的鋼琴增色不少。

作得最好的的舞,是那首有力的 Farruca, 有時候看起來就像是 Antonio Gades 在跳 Farruca 一樣。而 Grilo 總是需要扮演出小丑動作。(please see the dance of Triana’s patios circa 1950)



Bulerias letras, Luis de la Pica, Moraíto Chico y Diego del Morao

Camino,caminíto largo. Fernando Ortega, letra

Rocio Marquez Guajiras "Aquella noche caía" Letra 歌詞翻譯